The South Australian
CICM Primary Exam Course

Online Registration (October 1, 2024)  |  Previous Program

The next course scheduled for: 23-27th June 2025.

This course was introduced in 2008 as a basic sciences course suitable for both CICM and ANZCA trainees.

Over time, subscription to the course has shifted to almost entirely CICM trainees, in part due to a lack of alternate courses. Since 2016 the focus of the course has been based on the CICM syllabus/exam and the course is run as a joint South Australian ICU venture. This stated, much of the material remains in common with the ANZCA primary and trainees wishing to attend remain welcome.

Candidates should note that like any examination preparation course, the aim is not to impart the breadth of the syllabus to candidates, rather to revise materials they should have already covered and to provide perspective with respect to depth of knowledge and exam approach.

Course numbers will be limited to 24 candidates, to maintain the interactive tutorial format.

The course will be held 23-27th June 2025 at:

Ayer's House
288 North Terrace, Adelaide SA 5000

As candidates may be at different levels, 2 styles of interactive session are available:

  • Trial Vivas - aimed at candidates about to sit the exam, with the aim of recreating a "near exam" experience, and
  • Small Group Tutorials incorporating SAQ practice - aimed at candidates further from the exam, these session may utilise trial SAQ’s across a range of topics with subsequent discussion to allow immediate question/answer interaction.

Prior to the course candidates will be provided with a link to a Dropbox folder containing course and other materials.

General information can be obtained from the course coordinator: Richard Strickland.


  • The course registration fee is AUD $1500

  • Registrations will be on a first paid – first placed basis, i.e. a place will only be held once funds have been transferred.
  • Details for EFT transfer will be forwarded to your email on completion of the Online Registration (October 1, 2024)
  • Please ensure that you:
    • Annotate EFT transfers with your 'Surname - Primary Course'.
    • If your bank allows email cc's for EFT transfers, please include the address
  • Alternatively, payment can be made online via PayPal
  • Note - Candidates withdrawing after the listed census date (16th May 2025) on the application will only be refunded if their place is back-filled.


  • Lunch, morning and afternoon tea will be provided daily at the course.
  • After course drinks and "finger food" will be held on the Thursday afternoon following the trial vivas.
  SA Intensive Care Association